• This year, I will once again be working with all 5th grade students during their writing block. Over the past six years, this change has been incredibly enjoyable for me, moving forward from spending the previous four years teaching technology and STEM.  I have also been thrilled to develop deeper, more meaningful relationships with your children.  I look forward to doing this again for the 2023-2024 school year!

    I am excited to announce that I will be working with Mrs. Sanchez for math, and Mrs. Grider for reading for our third year together. Thank you for your flexibility and patience as we navigate through this school year.

    Fifth graders will be working on their cursive handwriting books and will be assigned skills practice pages, grammar, and spelling word work. They will not be assigned any homework this year, except for studying for their spelling tests. They will also be utilizing one on one Chromebooks here at school.  Students will engage in learning at their independent levels while working on these activities! Good behavior in the school can earn students "Paws-a-tives" from any staff member in the building.  These can be exchanged for prizes as the office (five "paws-a-tives" equal one prize) and work well to motivate positive behavior choices from all 5th graders.  Feel free to contact me any time with questions, comments, or concerns.


    April Graves




    7:50 - 8:15 Morning Recess

    8:15 - 9:35 Block 1 (My homeroom)

    9:35 - 10:50 Block 2 (Mrs. Griders´ homeroom)

    10:50 - 11:35 Recess/Lunch

    11:35 - 12:00 Random Acts of Kindness/Classroom Meeting

    12:00 - 1:15 Block 3 (Mrs. Sanchez' homeroom)

    1:15 - 1:45 Study Hall (for unfinished work) or Recess

    1:45 - 2:15 WIN (what is needed) time 

    2:15- 2:20 Pack Up  

    2:20 - 3:10 Specials

    Tuesdays = PE, Wednesdays = Music, and Thursdays = Art

    Mondays and Fridays we rotate specials. 5th graders write PE days in their planners.