Phone: You can contact me on Class Dojo


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Weigle

Dear Families,

My name is Laura Weigle, and this will be my 8th year teaching.  I’ve had an interesting career path both in and out of education.  I graduated from UNC with my Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies, which was the degree you obtained at the time in order to teach elementary school, in 2009.  I started teaching 6th grade Language Arts at Brentwood Middle School in Greeley during the 2009-2010 school year.  It was a good year, but I knew I wanted to teach younger students, so I taught first grade at East Memorial Elementary in Greeley during the 2010-2011 school year.  I was fortunate enough to move to Winograd K-8 to teach first grade for four years between the 2011-2015 school years.  That was the school in which I student taught and absolutely loved because the school was like a family. Highland Elementary School has that same feeling, so I’m very excited to be back teaching here again this school year as last year was my first year as a teacher here.  While teaching at Winograd K-8, I completed my Master’s Degree at UNC in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education in 2013.  After teaching at Winograd K-8, I moved to Thornton and took a break from teaching for a while.  During my hiatus, I worked at an insurance agency and for Adams County Human Services.

I moved back to Greeley as that is where my family mostly lives (well, LaSalle to be more accurate—that’s where I was born and raised) in the summer of 2018 and became the Office Manager at Crossfire, which is an oil and gas company, in Evans.  That’s where I was working until November 2021 when I realized how much I missed teaching and decided it was time for me to get back in the classroom.  Thankfully, this kindergarten position opened up at just the right time for me, and I jumped at the chance to work at Highland, and I can say that was one of the greatest decisions I have ever made!

I married my husband, Derek, in the summer of 2019 right after we moved to Nunn.  Derek is also a teacher.  He teaches math and physics at Eaton High School.  We live on about 35 acres and have two dogs (Tulip and Briar), five chickens (Mama, Hugh, Randy, Baby Chicken, and Vic), and one barn cat (Duchovny).  My step son, Rowan, lives in Boston with his mom, step dad, and two little sisters during the school year, and then he spends summers on the farm with us.  I joke with him that he is both a city and country mouse.  He’s 14 and is in 9th grade this year.  

That’s a little bit about me.  I’m excited to come back to the Weld Re-9 School District as all my previous teaching experience has been in Greeley/Evans District 6, but having grown up and gone to school in the Weld Re-1 School District, I’m excited to continue to be a part of a smaller district as that is where my roots are.  As you can see, I’m an open book, and if you have any questions or concerns, you can email me anytime at  I very much look forward to being your child’s teacher this year.  I know we are going to have a fantastic year, and I am here to help you and your child in any way that I can.  Please don’t hesitate to ask; we are a team!  Here’s to an awesome 2022-2023 school year!

With warmest wishes,

Laura Weigle