

Degrees and Certifications:

Evangeline Nelson

My name is Evangeline Nelson and I am a 6th and 7th grade science teacher at Highland Middle School.  This is my second year teaching at Highland and my third year teaching overall.  I grew up in Charlotte, NC and graduated with a degree in Education from Appalachian State University- go 'Neers. I am a self-proclaimed "enthusiasm engineer" and am passionate about renewing the wonder of science through play. Check out my STEAM website for more information about my lessons! As a educator, I am passionately committed to building a caring classroom community with social-emotional curriculum, instilling a love of learning through academic play, and boosting student growth through goal setting. When I am not in the classroom, you may find me hiking on a backcountry trail, testing out new recipes in the kitchen or participating in citizen science by testing water on the Poudre River. 

For classroom updates and missed assignments, check Google Classroom. 

6th Grade Science- kpdvejd

7th Grade Science-gcuxatg