Phone: 970-834-2853 ext. 1117


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Rochelle Mundfrom


Welcome to elementary music! I am excited about teaching your child music at Highland Elementary School. My husband and I have been in Colorado for 21 years and we are North Dakota transplants.  We have 2 daughters in college and a 7th grade son, so I get to watch a lot of baseball, football and basketball!  We have a pretty awesome dog named Bogey, who is a Great Pyrenes/Burmese Mountain Dog mix.  I love to travel, go out for dinner and try new food, especially ethnic foods! 

This is my 22nd year of teaching!  I've taught music for all ages and really look forward to focusing on elementary again where we can do some really great drumming, ukuleles, movement and rhythm!  I am looking forward to building the music room with the help of some donors and grants. Be on the lookout for new guitars, drums, and hopefully some keyboards!  If you are interested in helping build the music classroom, please email me with your ideas. 

Looking forward to a great year of learning music!  If you ever want to get ahold of me, email is the best option.