

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Clay Naughton

Hello Huskies!


Welcome to Highland Middle School!  My name is Clay Naughton, and I am starting my 15th year as principal at Highland Middle School; my 26th year in the Weld RE9 School District.  


Our mission at HMS is a simple one:  Our mission is for our kids to get smarter!  While this is a simple statement, it is really what we are all about.  Everything we do, and everything we value, begins and ends with this in mind.  So how do we get there?  We get there by emphasizing these points below:

>All decisions must be made with the best interests of students in mind.  We must be able to answer the question:  "How is this best for students?"

>There is no excuse for poor instruction.

>Like all areas of life, attendance is critically important.  Just like succeeding in a job, succeeding in school starts with being present and being in the moment.

>As a staff, we owe it to our kids to conduct ourselves in a positive manner each day; our kids deserve it!

>We strive to hire energetic teachers who design and implement engaging lessons.

>Time is precious and can't be wasted.  The concept of "bell-to-bell instruction" is important here.

>We value earned success.  We believe hard work leads to a more meaningful educational experience; one that will benefit students more in life.


Consistently implementing the steps above significantly increases the opportunity for students to have a positive school experience.  We want to see kids succeed academically; we also want all students to enjoy their time at HMS.  Getting involved in extra-curricular activities is a great way to enhance the overall school experience.  Whether it is athletics, clubs, or other activities, committed participation allows students to take ownership is their school, to make it their school, not just a big brick building where they go to school.  


Finally, we realize and appreciate that we are all better off (students, faculty, parents, etc.) when partnerships are formed between home and school.  Though we are all better off, the real winners are our students.  When we all emphasize and value the points outlined above, such as hard work leading to success, and committed participation, we will all be doing our part to ensure the positive overall school experience, and the joy of watching our kids get smarter!


Welcome to the 2022-23 school year; I am looking forward to a great year!


In Education,


Clay Naughton


Highland Middle School